
I [heart] yarn

If you don't care about yarn, skip this post (but you must be dead inside). Knitting is a great hobby, but I usually avoid it on Going40. With almost 13,000 yarn blogs on Blogger alone, the world doesn't need another (12,000 of those blogs feature bad yarn, btw). As much as I love to knit, I love to look at, hold, and buy yarn almost as much. At top, unbelievably soft handpainted alpaca will soon be a Going40/eWAC household scarf. The green wavy ribbed scarf was raffled off at my 40th birthday festival. The two scarves I sold raised enough to buy TWO sheep for Heifer International. Very exciting. And finallly, detail of a throw knit from scraps, by Theresa Gaffey at The Yarnery. All of Theresa's patterns are sensible, easy to follow, and beautiful: you can buy them. If only I had her scraps.

And several of you have asked: no, I haven't been brave enough to knit on campus.


Meema said...

That's my favorite colorway, too.

annw said...

You and the Rock are officially invited to come visit Monte this summer, where we may not have much retail, but we do have two boutique yarn shops. One of the owners raises her own wooly animals (of various breed).

Just avoid the week I'm in Maine (Cobber roommate 40th bd celebration) and the week I'm in Iowa (back to the U for some more writing seminar).

annw said...

On second thought, perhaps those are the perfect times to visit -- you could take the house for the week (or a few days of the week) and have a knitting holiday.

I can see it. Knitting on my purple velvet chair, knitting on the red chaise, knitting on the front porch, knitting in the sunny kitchen nook, knitting by the fireplace and in the library. Knitting, knitting everywhere.

Bonus: My piano would get played the way it deserves.

Bonus: You can blog from your iPhone to your heart's content.