Dear Readers,
I know that you've been on pins and needles today. Please accept my sincere apologies; meesa busy. I played (just fine) this afternoon at the honors recital. And at the honors convocation, I received (in abstentia):
The Eliza A. Drew Prize, awarded for academic distinction in German. (Do not adjust your monitor; I did not mistype). This award, a total shocker, involves a modest cash prize.
The Lois Bolyard Schwoebel Music Scholarship, awarded to a music major exhibiting outstanding scholarship and/or performing capability. I was the co-recipient of this prize, splitting the $4,000 scholarship with a really great flutist (she also played on the recital).
Quite a good day. Am I proud that I won two academic departments' top awards? Um, yeah. Now let's get on with the final week of classes, and write a couple big papers, and prepare for a piano jury, and and and. Can you believe we're almost halfway finished?? I can't; it really seems like we just decided to go on this little adventure, and here we are, in bed with Eliza and Lois (sorry, Mom).
I know that you've been on pins and needles today. Please accept my sincere apologies; meesa busy. I played (just fine) this afternoon at the honors recital. And at the honors convocation, I received (in abstentia):
The Eliza A. Drew Prize, awarded for academic distinction in German. (Do not adjust your monitor; I did not mistype). This award, a total shocker, involves a modest cash prize.
The Lois Bolyard Schwoebel Music Scholarship, awarded to a music major exhibiting outstanding scholarship and/or performing capability. I was the co-recipient of this prize, splitting the $4,000 scholarship with a really great flutist (she also played on the recital).
Quite a good day. Am I proud that I won two academic departments' top awards? Um, yeah. Now let's get on with the final week of classes, and write a couple big papers, and prepare for a piano jury, and and and. Can you believe we're almost halfway finished?? I can't; it really seems like we just decided to go on this little adventure, and here we are, in bed with Eliza and Lois (sorry, Mom).
"Drew/Boylard Schwoebel Award Recipient" is a lot to fit on your business card.
Congratulations, you talented thang!
This morning while I was waiting for my 11:00 person to show up, I looked at the Hamline website to see if I could glean what your awards were.
My strategy was to ignore "math" "science" and "female" and then I narrowed the field pretty well.
Nicely done.
Well, the German thing was a shoe-in--your classmates recognized you as their leader from the very first day! :-)
Most of us here in France are taking the day off to celebrate on your behalf, and we're all sending you our most sincere congratulations for your well-deserved success!
Congrats, young man. I sensed that the German Force was strong in you...
I would think someone in France might get a little nervous when the Germans choose someone as "their leader" ...
just sayin.
Comment on "I received (in abstentia)":
At least they weren't awarded posthumously.
Proud of you, Baby.
Proposed final exam for Going 40 readers at the end of our first year:
If you were France (and we all know you wish you were), whom would you prefer to be leading Germany: Scott or Angela Merckel? Please explain your answer, using examples and SP illustrations. Extra credit for answers written in limerick, German, or A-sharp minor.
Extra credit points have been awarded to Stephanie for the above suggestion.
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