
Why hast thou forsaken me?

Check out today's article in the Star Tribune about the need for 10,000 volunteers for the GOP convention. Our friend Kjersti is the volunteer coordinator for the host committee, and she's smart and cool, and appropriately, a Republican. But someone else quoted in the article is most definitely not a Republican. Someone with whom, until today, I slept regularly.

Just kidding, baby. Maybe.


Eric said...

Do you think he's just a whore for press? Is that what's behind all this?

Anonymous said...

I vote press whore with a dash of civicmindedness. We DO have a lot of Democrats whose businesses will benefit mightily, after all.

deb said...

I assume he's going to rig up a way to display this video somewhere on his body so it can run continuously while he's greeting visitors.


deb said...

PS You could store the planter at my house if you need to.

Stephanie said...

Deb, I hope that he does show the video to visitors; it might scare some sense into him when he realizes how many of them AGREE with it and don't realize that it's supposed to be IRONIC!

In January 2001 in DC, I realized the Texans were in town when I started seeing lots of women riding the bus to work with me in the morning wearing fur coats. Have I mentioned that it rarely gets below freezing in DC in January? As in, still above 32° F, and they were wearing FUR on the BUS. A feeble harbinger of the evil that was to follow.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's like the Shriver/Schwarzenegger household all of a sudden...

deb said...

Sean, I think you're exactly right.

...er... I mean you're so correct.

It must be like Carville and Matalin around there.