
And the card attached would say . . .

Eric and I have many great friends, and we're thankful for that. In the last few days we've run with them, eaten pizza on the lawn with them, gone to theatre with them, and even napped with them.

As it turns out, our friends are also people who love food and love to eat and love to eat well. Without exception. After a weekend of restaurant eating, I told Eric that under no circumstances were we eating dinner out tonight. Problem was, I had no interest in cooking tonight. As great luck would have it, friends Becca and Scott were hosting a family birthday dinner tonight, and the guest of honor wasn't feeling well. "What to do with all this delicious food?" they thought. They didn't have to think for long. We were only too happy to be runners-up on the invite list.

Becca is a fabulous cook, and was obviously happy to see us.

Dinner was marinated and grilled shrimp, sirloin beef, mushrooms, onions, and pineapple; pan-roasted asparagus, and Becca's Patented Brown Rice (my name for it; I love her brown rice more than almost anything).

Then, because Scott and Becca live pure, soy-based lives (Seriously. When you ask Scott what his favorite indulgence is, he says granola. Unlike mine, which is tater tots), we took them to Liberty Frozen Custard for Death by Chocolate sundaes.

Becca got in touch with her inner four year old (either that or she's squatting to pee).

Hope your weekend was half as fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i heart you guys!!!