
Halfway There, or, To Hell, Not Back

With the completion of my 17-mile run today (yes, really! I amaze myself), I have now completed half of the 18-week marathon training program. And with this update, I can say that yes, I feel half prepared to run a marathon. I still have a long way to go, fitness-wise, but my Saturday long runs have been consistently successful, that is, I complete them and the wanting-to-die feelings subside after about an hour.

I'm also pleased to report that my post Marathons: Not Just for Fit People Anymore, will be expanded and revised, and published in the special marathon issue (Sept./Oct) of Midwest Events magazine. You can find the magazine at sporty type places around the metro; it will also be included in the race packets of Twin Cities Marathon participants. I hope the article will be a fitting memorial to my martyrdom.


Eric said...

Congrats, and congrats!

Stephanie said...

That's so cool--congratulations!

DM said...

Hey that's great.

Congratulations and keep it up - you may inspire some of us to move beyond only running when being chased.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

You continue to rock in so may ways...