
Do you see me, or my disability?

My friends at Ideja (they're not really my friends; the blog is in Latvian and I can't read one word, but I love it) manage to put an appropriately surreal spin on holiday baking.
Must. Find. These.

UPDATE: Found 'em! Actually, Eric did. You can order them at Perpetual Kid. Our order was just made. Can't wait! I'm going to fashion a crutch out of pretzel sticks and white chocolate. What to use for a bandage?


Meema said...

I [heart] these!

They'd also be quite effective for Halloween celebrations (with a little more red frosting).

Eric V. said...

Your disability!

Elise said...

Fondant. Fondant for the bandage.

deb said...

You know, I would have been willing to make these cookie modifications for you, one at a time, as a custom order. You could tell me what to bite, and I'd bite it.

Just sayin' . . .