
How cool is this

As of 6:59, the line at the VFW (yes, anachronistic in Uptown)
stretches around the block. God bless America!

UPDATE: Arrived at polling place at 6:45am. Finished voting at 8:00am. Line when I left was twice as long as when I arrived. I was voter 124.


Meema said...

So. Cool.

Cate said...

I got to my polling place at 6:40a with kids and husband. We were out at 7:45a. I was voter number 81. Unfortunately, we were packed in like sardines.

annw said...

I jogged around my workplace building to the back door to vote (gotta love being a public employee) at 7:35 and was back in my room (chopping up slips of paper with the mpr.org select-a-candidate website URL for my first hour class to use) by 7:50. Voter 101.