
If a tree falls

Remember those felt strips a few weeks back? Even though several people haven't received theirs yet (including my own parents), I felt (hahahahaha) it was time to post a few photos of The Crafting.

These faux bois stump tea trivets were featured in the November, 2008 issue of Martha. She used neutral felts to create a realistic stump. I'm sure she also used slave labor to do all the cutting.

I got bored with the neutral colors after one, so branched out and made all sorts of 'em. And I think they're pretty. dang. cool.


Eric V. said...

They look pretty.

Elise said...

I'm definitely glad you branched out (HA!) color-wise, and we love our earth-toned one. What up with Martha being all into faux-bois this season? What's next, shag carpet?