
Too much?

This seems like a LOT of incense. Thanks to Doppelgänger for the alert.


Meema said...

Holy flying thurible, Batman - I'm coughing just watching it.

(strange word verification o' the day: handwar)

Ellen said...

Remind me to tell you about the time the Bishop of Chicago was smothered in incense. And I don't think that had an incense pot nearly this large. The question is, is it incense or is it (not so clean) coal?

Meredith said...

Damn, that thing could kill someone! Lindsey would like it.

Meema said...

I read some comments on other YouTube videos of the botafumeiro, and apparently it once grazed a German tourist's face because he was too busy looking up, and a priest once accidentally crossed in front of its path. Broken ribs only - had to be during the wind-down. Another incident was reported of it exiting a window. (?)

Pari said...

No such things as "too much" incense, in my book. Now, if only I could convince the congregation of that!

stepn said...

If memory serves, this is the sanctuary of the church of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, and the object of a long pilgrimage that takes several days on foot and without bathing. By the time they reach the church many tend to exude an odor that is less than sanctity and more like BO.