

Kitchen counter detail, Still Life with Bowls and Unsightly Cords

Kitchen counter, upon our return this evening

The responsible party

Nothing broken, and nothing in the bowls in the first place. Just a very curious, very smart, very bad dog.


Meema said...

If you could only harness his powers for good.

JUDY WENDT said...

Maybe he had company?

Anonymous said...

He has a REALLY good poker face.


Eric said...

Check this article from the Strib today:

Mary W said...

I love the look on his face.

Mary Rempalski Ohm said...

And I thought cats were bad! I couldn't bear the idea of them being up on the counters and stove while I was gone. I was sure they got up there because I caught them in the act a couple of times. I don't have them anymore.

Phil is right -- he DOES have a really good poker face!

Sean said...

I'm so glad Hudson is short...