
Raindrops on roses

In the waning days of Going40, I thought I'd start a list of my favorite parts of the last two years. I'll add to this post as I think of things, so check back every. possible. minute.

1. Walking across campus on a beautiful day
2. Learning, or starting to learn, German
3. Big, cheap blueberry muffins at Klas
4. Laughing with my classmates
6. My first semester 4.0
7. My second semester 4.0
8. Prof K
9. Writing
10. Checking for comments on Going40
11. Turning 40
12. The nap after the Twin Cities marathon
13. Discovering Oceanaire
14. My mother's wedding
15. Facebook
16. The orange quilt from my father
17. Triumphing, in a half-hearted way, over the adversity that is math
18. Liberty Frozen Custard
19. Tom (see comments)
20. Limericks
21. My partner (who has complained vociferously about his not being on this list yet)
22. Studying on the front porch
23. Learning at an advanced age
24. Having a sous blogger
25. Having a sous blogger who's all the boss of me
26. 376263
27. Access to all of Minnesota's college libraries
28. Searching journal articles online (students have it SO easy today)
29. Writing papers (good ones, damit)
30. Self-righteous indignation over my linguistics grade
31. Deciding that magna cum laude reflects both achievement and a full life, while summa represents unattractive single-mindedness
32. Alex Ross
33. My blogging buddies: WG, Squab, Meema, eWAC, Catchup, Lass, Ln, Native
34. English department courses


Sean said...

So, (he asked, trying not to sound terrified), are you done with ALL blogging once Going 40 goes dark?

Because some of us are very attached to your pithy/bitchy/witty prose.

Just sayin'.

Unknown said...

I've checked back, like, a thousand times. Maybe more. And you haven't updated this list. WTF?!?! Surely you have a few more favorite things?

Unknown said...

Better. Better.

Stephanie said...

I did tell you that I leave on Monday for a two week work trip to North Africa, right? Is it somehow unclear to you that your job for the last two years has been, and will continue to be, now and forevermore, world without end, to keep me entertained with your blogging, not only when I'm at home, but most especially when I'm suffering indignant hardships in Africa?

Let me be explicit: my job is to end poverty, and I can't do my job unless you keep me entertained by blogging. Ergo, if you stop blogging, all the poverty in the world is entirely your fault. I expect to have your new blog address in my inbox first thing Monday morning.

P.S. What was that about the Sous Blogger being the boss of you?!