
Why I love Blogger Play

Random hot French guy painting his baby's nursery.

Want to waste even more time? Blogger Play


deb said...

OK, but is he smart? He doesn't look very smart.

annw said...

According to the website of origin, I believe that should read "hot French Man-u"

Where was he the summer I lived in France?

Unless he was one of the sweaty (in a good way) pompiers that jogged around Paris and back to their firehouse each morning (the best accompaniment for morning chocolat chaud and croissants one could order up), I never saw him.

Anonymous said...

[He's definitely not that smart. His blog is written entirely in third person from the point of view of his still-in-utero baby, whom he and his wife have chosen to call "bbcha" (which, pronounced in French, is "Baby Cat"), leading to the purchase of a stuffed cat, leading to their changing the entire color scheme of the baby's room to match the stuffed cat's clothes, blah, blah, blog.

Although I used the exact same brand of paint in my kitchen, and it's held up reasonably well, so he may not be a total idiot. But anyway, Ann, il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences !]

Scott Rohr said...

Blogstriker, if you want friends when you return to the US, you will find him and offer further reports.

Anonymous said...

[Hmmm . . . we may need to rethink this whole moving thing. Why would we leave a country where, comparatively speaking, guys like this aren't all that hot, to go to a country where friendship is apparently nothing more than a commodity to be bartered and blackmailed for ?

Plus, we just noticed that this guy misspelled the word "very" in the first paragraph of his blog. Seriously, we can NOT support your lust for him after that!]