

I began the sentient part of my day reading this article in the Times re: 1,001 Books You Must Read Before You Die. Besides thinking the title facile and the conceit sort of a worthless one, I was intrigued by this recommendation: The Invention of Curried Sausage, by Uwe Timm, translated from the German by Leila Vennewitz (original title, Die Entdeckung der Currywurst, which, hot damn and thank you very much Professor Kari, I could have translated myself!). Anyhoo. I decided it was the perfect read for the long weekend and I must have it now. A quick search online showed that it would be tough to find in a reasonable length of time online, and a little more sleuthing showed that it's unavailable in any of the metro Big Book Stores. Yes, I know I could check the libraries, especially seeing as how I'm a student now, but I didn't think of that (you can take the boy out of the consumer, or something?). After a lovely Lucia's lunch, Deb and I stopped by Magers and Quinn, and glory be hallelujah, misalphabetized, a used paperback copy for $4.99. So go dig up your own copy and let's read and discuss this weekend. I'll start; you catch up.


deb said...

In addition to the microgreens on the far side of the table, I also had a nice ham and cheese crepe, and one bite each of the sweet treats. (To Eric: nummy leftovers, huh?)

At M&Q I picked up a copy of "Music, the Brain, and Ecstasy" by Robert Jourdain which I consider to be a business expense because it has "brain" in the title.

Spent ten minutes at the tire place, and now all four tires once again hold air, and the spare is back in its nest.

And now, off to St. Paul pour le massage.

Anonymous said...

When you get to Germany, EAT CURRYWURST. It kicks Arsch.

Anonymous said...

Scott, you read ahead ... and don't wait up.
