
Readers to the rescue, please

Diligent, thorough readers will remember our fun license plate game of some weeks back (non-diligent readers, go look it up and come back when you're finished). The Going40/eWAC household is in a pickle: Ingrid's plates arrived today and the letters are:


I feel like we're playing Scrabble and drew crap tiles. What's our acronym, folks? The numbers following are 8 1 2, if that helps. Our many thanks in advance.

P.S. I loathe zoos, so forget that.


Stephanie said...

Just because you told me not to:
Scott Jeers at Zoos.

Or else
Stupendous Judgment's Zenith.

Anonymous said...

How about:

Saint Joan's Zombie 812

deb said...


Sweet JeeZuz.

deb said...

Mr. Sous churned out this list on the way home from Liberty:

Ate One Too (excellent numbers)

Several Jumping Zebras

Slightly Jammed Zipper

Scooter's Jump Zone

Such Joyous Zoom

Slow Jogging Zone

It's kind of tricky to use the J in a tasteful manner, isn't it? And it would be nice if it could be a verb.

Alternately, I would like to use Jung or Jeune for the J, and Zeus or Zygote or Zeitgeist for the Z, but I'm not getting there.

deb said...

Now he can't stop.

Sarah Jilted Zorro.

deb said...

Scott Juggles Zinnias

deb said...

South Jersey Zipcode

Scott Rohr said...

I'm reminded that not all ideas are good ideas.

deb said...

Scott Jilted ZsaZsa

deb said...

You asked, blogboy. Be careful, or I'll start with the alternate J-words.

Meema said...

Swedish Jump Zone

Eric V. said...

Seeing Jesus, Zacchaeus ate one too.

Eric said...

When people ask you how Ingrid drives, you can say She Just Zips!

Eric V. said...

It's also the airport code for São Jorge, Azores, Portugal.

Eric V. said...

Skater John Zimmerman.

Eric V. said...

Salinger's Juvenile Zooey.

Deb, can't you do something with "Jungian"?

Eric said...

Something F. Scott might have said:

Sweet Jesus, Zelda!

Eric V. said...

Single Jewish Zealot?

Julia Gulia said...

She's Just Zany (or Zippy)

Scott Juliennes Zucchini

Seven Juicy Zucchini