
Home on the range

You're all perfectly capable of reading the New York Times yourselves, and have probably already read what you care to this week, but I was so taken with this house that I decided to post the link. At least this way I'll have my blog-as-archive to refer to. I want to move there.

P.S. Go to Cafe Levain; Kevin and Michael treated Eric and me to a lovely dinner in honor of my natal day. It was really good. I hadn't been since the original incarnation, Restaurant Levain, and I was pleasantly surprised.

P.P.S. Speaking of Dr. Kevin, he listened to my tale of woe about some recent stomach troubles (I went to bed at 7am last night/this morning after an excruciating night of stomach pain; third time in ten days), and suspects gall bladder. Guess I'll be going to the doctor on Monday.

P.P.P.S. It's Saturday night, and guess what I don't have to do in the morning? Get up and direct the choir and play the organ! Sabbatical: Week 2. My joy is somewhat mitigated by the fact that I have to spend the entire day doing math homework. The. entire. day.


Cate said...

Let's just say your time away isn't going fast enough... I really miss you directing and playing.

I feel a little funny getting excited for Lent...

Unknown said...

I'm chuckling at the idea of a Manhattanite or native Brooklyn dweller trying to comprehend life in that home on the Idaho desert.

The home itself reminds me of a giant version of the flat pack home on the Kenilworth Trail.