
Let's save the world

Or at least help feed it. Here's how:

Step 1: Reread my post of 11 February.
Step 2: Visit The Meema Files and read her post of 11 February. She refers back to my post of 11 February, but if you followed step 1, you've already done that.
Step 3: Bookmark my blog (as if you haven't already), and add it to your list of daily must-reads.
Step 4: Every time you visit, click on the new button over there, (the one that says FREE RICE)------>
Step 5: Spend as much time on freerice.com as you can, every day.
Step 6: Tell others to do the same.
Steps 7-9: Read A Continent for the Taking; or, watch a documentary that makes you uncomfortable; or, force yourself to concentrate on the international section of the paper, rather than skipping over it to get to politics (I speak from experience).
Step 10: Do work you love (this is foreshadowing).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a nice initiative, Scott. A few bubbles from my soapbox:

Freerice.com distributes rice through the United Nations World Food Program; improving funding to the U.N. would have even more impact on hunger than freerice.com alone. The U.N. is funded by its member states in proportion to the size of their economies; the U.S. has the largest economy in the world and therefore is supposed to contribute the largest amount to the U.N.'s budget. The U.S. currently owes over $1 BILLION in arrears to the U.N.

How to get our government to do something about this? Vote for people who care about this, and let your elected officials know that it matters to you: write to your Senators and Congressperson.

Out of curiosity, I visited the U.N.'s webiste and found the "Honour Roll" of countries who have paid their 2006 assessments (the latest year posted, http://www.un.org/News/ossg/honroll.html). Guess what? Haiti is on the list; its 2006 dues are paid in full. The poorest countries in the world are often willing to, say, let their citizens eat dirt rather than risk disenfranchisement from the international community.

Meanwhile, the government of the richest country in the world, OUR government, withholds payment for political reasons (some of which are valid). But people are starving, and we can afford to help.

I'm just sayin'.