
And . . . done.

The semester has officially ended. My last tasks were completed today, and I am relieved.

That doesn't mean there isn't much to do, but oh, how I am looking forward to the coming weeks. I'm going to call the next few weeks Project Restore Balance. Here's what I'm hoping for:

1. A successful Lessons and Carols service (this Sunday, 4pm, St. Paul's, be there) and Christmas season at the church
2. A schedule during the day that recognizes I have a lot to accomplish but lots of time in which to accomplish many things.
3. A return to exercise. I haven't been, and I've been eating like crap and it shows. And I feel it.
4. Time each day for holiday gift-making.
5. Piano practice, lots of it, every day.
6. Good exercise and walks with the pup.
7. German review every day. I'm going to look at a couple online resources, just to change approaches.
8. As much freelance work as I can get.
9. Tasks around the house, the kind we never get around to. We're getting around to them this month, especially since Eric will have a couple weeks off as well.
10. Research and writing every day for an essay competition. The deadline is January 9. More on this later.

Thanks for seeing me through this boring, long, boring, long, boring, long slog of a semester.

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